Gaming: Η κονσόλα με τις περισσότερες πωλήσεις στον κόσμο γίνεται φέτος 24 ετών – Οι 10 κορυφαίες


Gaming: Η κονσόλα με τις περισσότερες πωλήσεις στον κόσμο γίνεται φέτος 24 ετών – Οι 10 κορυφαίες
13 April 2023, Saxony, Leipzig: A Nintendo 64 game console lies in a retro area of the "CAGGTUS" gaming festival at the Leipzig Fair. The "CAGGTUS" festival will take place from April 14 to 16. In addition to an entertainment and streaming area, Germany's largest lan party, according to the trade fair, will be celebrated with over 1400 participants. Visitors will be able to gamble for a whole 68 hours. Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa (Photo by JAN WOITAS / DPA / dpa Picture-Alliance via AFP) dpa Picture-Alliance via AFP